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Horror images I my friend sent me. These images are kinda disturbing, so look at them if you don't get scared that easily
Let's Goooo we hit 50 followwers!!! This is one of my biggest accomplishment here so thank you all. For your support!
Let's goo! This was probably the hardest quest I have done, then again I have done lIke 20 quests lol. Thanks for a.l of your support!
A quick drawing for my friend @Cooldudemattymoo :3 (I hope you like it, the truth is I did it quickly so it's not that good :'3)
A few days ago I went on a camping trip to hike a mountain. Never in my life have I enjoyed nature as much as I did then:]
School boredom be hitting
In case noone knew who Linox and Vira were, here are their designs. I don't have nexus` design though because nexus is a joke. Anyways, I have to get to school. best of wishes, and goodbyye!
Cool thing I feel good about.
Goretober art cus I have nothing better to do. Also I couldn't do any previous boretober art cus problems at school:( 3rd picture list of the art left for me to do, also I think I didn't finish some of the words lol.