It’s Carnaval! For those who doesn’t know, the Carnaval is a religious five day break from school and work that we celebrate in Veracruz, Mexico; we’re supposed to eat tons of meat so we get ready for the Semana Santa, another break, where we’re supossed to ignore all kinds of meat. But instead, we celebrate by getting drunk and throwing condoms at exotic cars. True Story.
And no, Brazil is not the only place where they celebrate Carnaval. So STFU.
Well, you didn’t came here for reading cultural lectures, right? You came to read about my “awesome” game. Y’all make me proud. Okay, I don’t like this celebration, so, as I always do since I was born, I escaped from there. I took a three day vacation, I didn’t travel too far away from my home.
But taking some days off for relaxing doesn’t mean I’m going to stop working from Viral!
Actually, the weather was SO bad, I couldn’t do anything at the hotel. I didn’t want to waste my time by sleeping on the beach, so I worked. Give me my medal.
Well, lets now focus on the game stuff. First of all, I want to thank G-or-G and TheGamersCave for finding bugs on the version of the game without me asking them; but I’m afraid to say that I didn’t fix those bugs.

There’s your problem.
I was focused on making the next version of the game more playable than “look, this game has a random generated map, with houses and a freaking zombie that will chase you forever”. So I added some significative changes dedicated on gameplay.
Spoiler: Oh, God. Oh, God. He’s about to say the game changes.
Game changes:
A zombie shooter can’t be a zombie shooter without something you use to shoot zombies! Pew! Pew!
I gave that Charlie a gun. Charlie loves guns.

In, my opinion. It looks horrible. But it does not look as bad as…

…The bullets.
I made this… Eh… Pea? Can we call it “pea”? Because it does not look like a bullet at all. Well, yes, I made this pea to substitute the bullet sprite that Dennot has not made yet.
These peas can travel for one second or until it collides a wall or something solid. And the player can shoot three per second, but you would need a really fast hand to do that…

On the version, the player has an infinite AMMO of peas and doesn’t need to reload. I tought this was not necessary at this point of the development, because at this moment, the only thing that is important right now is how the game is going to be played. We will focus on that later. The player can kill a single zombie with three peas, this will vary later depending on distance, I’ll explain later.
What else? Gun, bullets (I mean, peas), what else? Oh, yeah…
Zombies. Remember that ugly chaser from Well, he’s got company on! And by company, I mean 50 god damn zombies chasing you! And it gets better! Because they can kill you now! And something else! It doesn’t matter how many of those you kill, you’ll never get rid of them since they are infinite! Aww yeah!

Their spawning mechanic consists in not spawning too far from the character or not too near from it. Also, if the player goes too far from a zombie, the zombie will respawn, repeating the same process that I’ve just said.
On the previous images you’ve already seen, there’s a crappy health bar that I made while the real one gets done (Dennot, I’m waiting for your magic! Where is it?). The player starts with 100hp, and if one zombie gets you, you’ll lose -1hp per step… Or let’s say, -30hp per second.
The dificultity of the game is still pretty easy, so if you die on this demo, you’re a total noob :)
Some minor changes consist in Charlie’s new sprite.

Before After
We had to change it because when we noticed the weird way it carried a gun, we knew we had to change it.
Another minor change would be that it is easier to go through doors. As reported by G-or-G: “It is too damn hard to enter the houses”. In order to please his wishes, I made the collision mask of the character a little bit smaller. Now it is pretty damn easy to go through them. Enjoy going through doors G-or-G
I also realigned the vaults (chests), so they look better.
And also fixed a bug that deleted a floor tile under the vault.
Another (awesome) change… We added poop! That’s right! Poop!

I don’t want to explain why, so just look at this:

I want to thank Ethan and our awesome community for these brilliant ideas!
But now talking seriously, we might get something important out of these? What if you could pick them up and throw them or shoot at them to get an item just like in The Binding Of Isaac.
I would also like to say that zombies will get variations on their sprites. I tried to make one female zombie but it looks like a whore (I’m sorry, but it really looks like one -.-). I won’t show you this until the next update.
We also worked on water. But Dennot…. You know the rest.

This comic looks awful, worse than the last one, but meh…
Yes, this is what we’ve got so far in less than a week. And it’s not over yet.
As I said before, we want you to test what we’ve got, and tell us your oppinion and your ideas.
We already got the…
VIRAL Pre-Alpha
for PC download.
Go for it, Mufasa!
New Stuff:
Shooting Killable zombies Zombies appear on hordes of 50 maximum Health FPS is now showed on the upper left corner of the screen Press “R” to restart (this was already on, but I forgot to tell :p) Polishing: It’s now easier to go through doors Realigned vaults (chests) Bug Fixes:
Bug that deleted a floor tile under the vaults Not much, really. I’ve been busy for a while, so programming was stopped.
This is what you can expect soon:
Inventory Destructible bricks by zombies Infinite worlds Water Crafting Reloading AMMO Please report any bug you find. Unless it is the rock-in-the-house bug, because, you know…. We already know that one.
So, I think this is it. Thanks for reading such long post I wrote. And thanks for the ones who played, commented or followed the game; we appreciate it a lot. Remember, if we reach the small amount of 20 IndieDB followers, we’ll open a forum in here.
If you have any questions, don’t forget to ask. I’ll literally answer all of your questions.
Remember, we’re building a game based on your opinnion, together.