6 months ago

new synth acquired (Roland d110)



Next up

update on my reverb plugin, added some more functions to the crystallizer, starting to work on the feedback section for shimmer reverb, added a grid to the spectral analyzer for looks

working on my own reverb vst plugin because i couldn't find one that had the features i wanted

got myself a pair of studio monitors

(wip) piano improv because i can't fall asleep

First time ever trying to make Trance, heavily inspired by early Robert J.C. (Blackmill) stuff Early WIP, only about 2 hours of project time, including sound design, etc...

setup 3.0

Atmospheric Drum and Bass, The way they did it 20 years ago.

already found a place for it

[Audacity] Software is not an excuse to not make music. Future garage track on Audacity, rough track, definetly not up to my standards, using an old version of Audacity that doesn't even have the real-time effects. Might finish it in Renoise later. WIP

gui update