PROJECT: MOLTEN GOLD: A Non-profit Five Nights at Wario's fangame

2 years ago

New thumbnail... and new friends?




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"Why don't you try taking on someone YOUR size, you punk!?"

Was listening to Giant Bowser's theme from Bowser's Inside Story and this idea popped up in my head

Mathematic Nightmare Part 3: Carlos finds out (WARNING: DRAWN GORE)

Happy Birthday, FNAW Return to the Factory, one of our first FNAW fangames in the site!

Here's a big one, name reveal + player reveal! Ness has to play a game of hide n' seek with Wario and his army of ghosts in Project: Molten Gold.

If you wanted more Waluigi, here you go

Toastbunny is actually working on the game??? IMPOSSIBLE

Mathematic Nightmare (WARNING: DRAWN GORE)

Mathematic Nightmare Part 2: Clarification (WARNING: DRAWN GORE)

I promise i'll make ACTUAL progress on the demo soon

Fun fact: WarioWare Gold and TAF 0 Nevermore nearly share the same anniversary date