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A new coat of paint.
(The unedited room images were provided by @SuperEggGaming , the cameras button, remote button, and camera buttons were made by me, I also edited the room images)
Here's more stuff I have done for Diner's Return (flashing lights warning)
Man I really wish I could be working on Diner's Return, anyways here is the first ever screenshot of Diner's Return vs the most recent screenshot, what a massive glow up
Chapter 2 Remastered
Fun Fact:
This is a scrapped cutscene that was in the original Tubbyland 3 MFA, I don't really know where I would fit this in the recode to be honest, also, it feels a bit off when compared to the others, also, idk what the final bit of dialogue in it is.
I made a another funny
The final morse code is in the article because of the character limit, don't forget to translate it, good luck, and happy Thanksgiving
Stay tuned (No morse code or secrets this time, sorry)
hi guys remember the part of fnaw 3 where the house explodes and dry wario's head flys ot of the house
See you soon
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