This update includes:
A new options menu (currently only has a volume changer).
Different turning point for the P1 sprite (now is in the centre of the sprite).
-Fixed bugs such as:Sprite going off screen and not being able to come back on.
The bug was fixed by adding a condition where the sprite will have it’s speed set to 0 every time it hits the edge of the play area. The sprite will still be able to move after switching direction if facing and touching the edge of the play area.
If any other glitches appear please comment about what it is and how it happened in the comment section and I will try my best to debug it and update the game as fast as I can. There has also been a restart button since the first update, the button is “R”. Also there is a button to get back to the main menu from any other menu or gaming area in the application, it is “esc”.