Welp. That took longer than expected (I may have gotten addicted to RDR2 the last few days lol), but it's finally out 😄
Update Log v0.3
- fixed *grid* (overlapping bug)
- the *grid* follows the *camera* now
- *mouselock* check added (automatically adjusts code for builds and editor stuff)
- distance-fog and max. render-distance (taken from v2)
- camera zoom added (press V)
- added skybox sprite
- *skybox* works
- *sun* added to *skybox*
- *lense flare* added to *sun*
- *lense flare* hides when the *sun* is hidden behind something
- the *sun* rotates now
- *basic ground color* exists now, code some taken (has been modified) from @thegreenflash 's tutorials
- copied the *basic ground color* to do the same for the sky