Updated Reorganized characters
Updated Jolyne (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Updated Diavolo
Added New Characters
Added New Stages!!!
Added Bulk Bogan and The Shockmaster (Memes)
Added Funny Valentine (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Added NEW (RWBY Franchise) Characters
Added NEW (GTA) Characters
Added MORE (Sonic The Hedgehog) Characters
Added MORE (Fist of the Northstar) Characters
Added MaximaXIII (The King of Fighters)
Added Yugi and Seto (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Added Time Loop Mooka
Added Winnie-the-Pooh
Adde Neku (The World Ends With You)
Added Coolspot
Added The noid
Added Samurai Jack
Added Godzilla
Added Piccolo and Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Z)
Added Death (Castlevania)
Added Noah (The bible)
Added Gandalf the Grey (Lord of the Rings)
Added Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Added Porygon-Z (Pokemon)
Added Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Added Meme character
Patched Kenshiro A.I
Patched Josuke animation loop crash
and tons more
Next up
Today is my spawn day, surprised how it hasn't shown up yet lol
When we needed him most he came.
New Battle Mania update coming soon!
Another thing my gf made.
I hope everyone's enjoying the game so far. The game has 95 more free slots! Write comments below this post on who else should be added!
Hey everyone, thanks for all the subs so far! Almost reached the 1k goal!!! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe!!! Most of you haven't yet :( I would really appreciate it if you did, it helps my channel grow! Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHqoOjxw6VU_xbzoq3LeqA?sub_con…
I couldn't resist to not upload this after @ficha post reminded me of it
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/goblin-traders Here's a must have mod if you like trading in Minecraft!
Read more on the official mod page!