FNaF Unreal: Online

3 years ago

New update V.4.08 is now released!

(More about the update in the article)

What's new?

  • New game mode: Survival

  • 2 new skins: Summertime Chica and Shadow Freddy

  • Changed nightguard's percpective to 3rd person view and added a locomotion system for him

  • AI will now be on stage and one animatronic will start roaming around each hour. If AI isn't enabled, they won't spawn to the stage at all

  • Improvements to the graphics of the game

  • Every character can now open doors

  • Connect time from lobby to the maps has been significantly reduced

  • Added sprinting stamina for the nightguard

  • Added an option to switch Anti-Aliasing type. If you have a low-end PC, you can switch to a less demanding Anti-Aliasing option or disable it

  • Slight HUD changes

  • You now have to be logged in via Game Jolt in order to host and join games

  • Gameplay balances

    • Buffed Foxy's dash

    • Each hour length is reduced from 60 seconds to 40 seconds

    • AI Freddy's and Bonnie's chase speed has been reduced

    • Chica's cupcake's hit box and movement velocity has been increased

    • AI animatronics will now respawn to the dining area same as players when touching a closed security door

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug in reimagined map, in which the AI spawns right away after player spawns

    • Fixed collision in reimagined map's rental center, in which player could teleport to a part of the rental center where they're not supposed to be able to go

    • Fixed an issue where loading screen in lobby desn't replicate to clients

    • Fixed a bug where Chica's cupcake doesn't stun the nightguard


This update was the last big one so there won't be really any new content from now on. I'm still going to do patch updates to make the game more stable though but I'm pretty happy how the game has turned out during the past year of this game's development.

I migrated the game from Unreal Engine 4 to 5 and I noticed that the save files didn't work so your save files from previous versions might not work in this version either.

The new game mode isn't tested that much so it might be a little buggy but I'll be fixing them in the next patch update. You can report any bugs on my Discord server.



Next up

Been working on a new update for quite a while which will have a reworked main menu and some major optimizations.

It's been 6 months since the last update and I feel like I need to post something before this game page dies completely lol

A new digital painting

Some OC sketches


What I've been working on

Rat Race Production Update



''Could someone be at my window?''

I draw men sometimes too guys