Updated the 'Title Screen waiting' easter egg animations.
Made Office characters leave faster.
Changed Suicide Mouse's music to last the entirety of the max mode. He also now activates at the start of max mode.
Made easter eggs more rarer, hopefully.
Slightly updated the "HOW TO PLAY" menu before starting a Night.
Made Cameras stay off for 30 seconds instead of 10.
Added nose honking.
Next up
Still making jumpscares.
Gamejolt page updated yay. :]
Mr. Munch says hi.
Happy Halloween y'all. :]
Working on Jumpscares. :]
Scariest jumpscare ever.
2025 Remake of Larry's will be out February 25th.
Welcome to Games and Friends, enjoy your stay!
posing has finished, I am now screenshotting everything, and soon the actual game will be ready for making.
Teaser 3
[hopefully this can go here [the show & tell malo's community]]