First, I would like to give a warm welcome to Cheeri and Antomic to the team as artists! They reached out to me after the previous post
Cheeri also remade the SPECIAL ATTACK thumbnail, which you should check out if you haven't already! Thank you Cheeri, welcome to the team! You can view it in this post above, or as the thumbnail in the SoundCloud post below, which is the theme by Freshy's!
Btw, heres the playlist of all the tracks
With some other small updates, we have a new background for the game sprited by me! We also have NEW BUTTONS because the OLD ONES were so BAD
Development of the game itself is going alright, I would say something now but I dont have full confirmation on it, so I'll speak about it once I get confirmation on said thing!
With some closure, one of our main musicians (Freshy's) announced a 9-month break. Because Freshy's will be gone for a pretty long time, and he is our main composer, we would like to re-open musician slots for anyone who is interested!
Before I close us off, I would like to invite you to the Discord! We are going to try and be more active with yall (at least I am!). Its linked in the pinned post on this gamepage!
With that, see yall soon!
-Applefied, team Amethyst