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HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! White Dog from Lynchburg Heroes will be the next upcoming fighter to join the crossover of Baxverse All-Stars! His blinding speed, razor sharp claws! This Okami is all Bite, no Bark!
Wake Up! New FF2 Content Tomorrow!
WIP - The Dark World in Progress.
My Mario Art! #MarioDayArt
Enjoy #SuperBaxter Friday!
In the meantime, here are the new animations coming to the first half of the game where you can switch out from each bro.
New Screenshots while working on Cutscene 5!
Tune into this Monday, February 10th at 4 PM EST to see the Release Trailer for Super Baxter 1: Remake Demo 2, technically it's first demo cause I forgot to actually switch off of Dev-Log Mode for 7 Months on GameJolt.
#MarioDayPowerup Fire Flower the Best!
I'm not trying to spoil as much for this game as I post, so here's some new images!