We have just uploaded a new version post-jam of Space Echoes!
Here’s a list of what is finally included in this update:
+gamepad control: specially suited for xbox controllers. It works with the digital pad, A, B and Start/Menu buttons, to keep the Game Boy feeling intact.
+online Highscores: your scores will be uploaded online into Gamejolt if you’re logged in!
+toned down difficulty: the game is now easier at the beginning, but will get progressively harder as it goes on, as before. Until you kill 3 bosses on a row, the enemy waves are easier, with fewer enemies.
+new Power Up: You may find the new “P” power up capsule during your game. This capsule will level up your weapons, increasing the damage they do on each shot.
+level up mechanics: You will also level up your ship weapons after destroying a boss. But be careful, because each boss down means the game gets a bit harder too!
Please leave us a comment if you find any bug or you have any feedback for us :)