2024 has been kinda of a goofy year all around ngl
There where alot of good stuff like hitting to 200 followers on gamejolt and 40-ish followers on bluesky (Which I'm still shocked that it happend lmao, genuinely thanks for the support) and getting alot more mature with my personality, making new friends and all that jazz
But also there where alot of bad stuff like the whole thing that happened back in November which I don't wanna talk all in details and me getting hospitalized twice I think? And of other stuff that I cant remember atm and not really releasing any new games in this time
Overall this year had more good than bad, not all too optimistic about next year due to me having to be a bit more inactive than normal due to Brazil putting some stinky legislation that prohibits students from using there phones at all on school but who knows
I should probably also talk about some updates
First thing is that I might be getting an new computer in a few days! My current computer, aka an old Macbook Air 2017 model is pretty slow and buggy as hell for doing any serious stuff on it
So once I get an new computer I'm going to try actually making game dev stuff
The second thing is that i'm now on the second year of high school, that means that game dev stuff might be slow down abit due to that but I'm still going to try working on stuff
The final thing that I want to say at last is that the StanleyMOV revamped and the FWNAYH R game is basically dead, sorry for the 2 people who cared for those games lmao (I'm still going to finish the super secret UCN game that I've been working on since February, just wait until half of the AIs are done )
Shoutout to
For being pretty talented and chill friends that inspired me to try getting better at game dev and art lmo
(Yeah Ik i could have done something more cooler here but eh it does the job)

Happy new years!