it's been so long since there was an important update about this, but well this is the context for the lack of news...
the code has been doing so well but it still not finished, plus the fact that the code is paused temporally... so I cant release the game yet, but thanks to the long wait I decided to add more content to the update to make the loong wait worth it...
-Minigame redrawn sprites
-some redrawn assets to make them look better, not all of the assets just SOME assets
-maybe I'll update the creator night (principally Kirby and Alex assets and ending)
-The MAD Halloween mode (you already knew this one)
-a Hard Night in extras that is canonic that will contain a new ending and more stuff :eye: :eye:
-and who knows maybe there can be added more stuff eventually... probably not
So well those are the news about the update, there's still no release date but I can tell that It will be this year...
Thanks for the patience, have a good night!!