3 years ago

News on TFS and Test001

So there's some news I need to bring up:

@Bdon_studios is missing.
He has not replied to anyone's messages, he isn't active on any social platforms, and I haven't heard from him in a month. I'm worried about him, so for now I'm stopping Development on Test001 and TFS until I hear any news about him.

I apologize, but I'm too stressed about him to continue.



Next up

So, I did a Fireside today of making my game. It was fun!

My favorite line so far:


So I actually got the masks working! (I hope.) I'm adding a few more things, then releasing Version 0.2.0 of Test001 DEMO!


Let the investigation begin...

- After Nights at Bobby's 2

As the person who made this teaser, I can't believe no one noticed this in Baby's eye. It's been there the whole time as a joke. It remains in the Memoir Baby model to this day. drug