1 month ago

News: People are worried, Fearful and dreading due to Kariax-ox falling into a tryannous goverment as whole and general.

Due to the conflict of Karix-ox and thenia, They are now allies. However the real problem is that Kariax-ox might be going into a tryanny.

Signs have pointed out that the new leader of the nation Darven yatz is now going for a more democratic, Far right, Anti libertarian and extreme movement. Ever since fascist leader, Kyle marx stepped down, These steps were visible.

It's is hard to tell if it's going to tryanny or not but we hope for the best it is not.



Next up

New minecraft game leaked!

Two flags i made

Here is some shitty flags I made a year ago

(I regret making the last one.)


It's a banger doe

Turtle island

No wonder why there is more of them.

Lolis/People like loli when you factually call them pedophiles:

'Im sorry, But your too stupid to realize"

Insert image that is swag!: