Hey guys! I just wanted to make a post about some stuff coming up in the future.
So, if you guys have been paying attention to my profile you may have noticed the countdown (that I've been forgetting to update super consistently). Now, what exactly is this countdown about? You may be asking from behind your screen. Well, it's the countdown to the unveiling of the JT2 Game Page! Yes, on August 1st I will be making the game page public! There won't be any gameplay screenshots (as of yet) but there will be teasers and such. There's also gonna be a teaser at the end of this post so be prepared for that.
Now, I'm gonna discuss JT 2 a little. This game is going to be quite a bit bigger than JT: Vicissitude. More animatronics, more 8bit minigames at the end of the nights (with a twist that you'll see when you play the game), a merchant-like character, and the continuation of Issac's story. I think you guys will like the game and that it will be one of my best yet!
So, TL;DR, the game page will be made public on August 1st, the game's development is going great, and the game will be a lot bigger than JT: Vicissitude.
Now for that teaser that you're all waiting for!

Jerry's Tale 2: A New Millennia will have its game page made public on August 1st, 2021, and will release sometime in the first quarter of 2022.