Five Nights at Freddy's: Into The Pit Doom Mod

1 year ago


Hey people!

I came to announce that the new ITP 2 Doom is almost ready, and as you can see in the picture, the game has a new model for Springbonnie, and besides that, the game has new animations and textures for all the other animatronics.

I'm currently fixing a lot of glitches, but despite the game being almost ready, I still need some time until I publish it. No release dates for now.

The next game in this collection will be ITP 1 Doom Remaster, which willl spruce up the lore a lot. (Yes, ITP Doom Collection has its own lore instead of relying on the books)

Sorry for the long text, see you guys soon!




Next up

INTO THE PIT 2 DOOM MOD V3.0 RELEASED! I hope you enjoy this huge update.

Into The Pit 2 Doom V3 progress: 95%

Things left until update: Beta testing and small bug fixes.

This WEEK my pc got a virus, so I went to the circus and took this photo with a funny clown!

idkStudios presents... One Week At Flumpty's Doom!!

"Class Dismissed"

Into The Pit 1 Doom Reboot Development Status: 1%

Into The Pit 2 Doom V3 Development Status: 80%

Coming soon...

Em breve...

Five Nights at Freddy's: Into The Pit 2 Doom Mod (Version 3 Update) (WIP) - NEWS

Into The Pit Doom - Reboot: 2025???

New FNAF: Into The Pit DOOM Mod update screenshots.