8 months ago

News Station 44 here

More news here 4 million people have the virus and now you are on your own you have the news Station but 822 and 722 are gone now oh and they are now on fire.

Oh god they are here news Station 22 died because of this oh god jimmy noo 😢 nEwS Station 44 out.



Next up

The third half

The second half

The man that waits

News Station 22 here the Larry virus is in the uk and moving to the US.

More News here the Eliminators was just called in at Canada and one of the Eliminators was killed in the Action.

News Station 22 out

The first half

I joined the royal navy.

Bye guys

The man in the Trench

I'm playing tabs on twitch tell me what to make as a character

I'm live on twitch make sure to come say hi