hello guys here Themonster1231.
a while ago I have not uploaded any news of the game, and today I bring some good news, one of them is that the list of characters is already finished and there will be no more changes in it (and yes, there will be exclusive characters in the Custom Night).
and the last news is that the list of movements is also finished, and also how the characters will act for the passing of the nights and that I will some movements of the characters:
Abandoned Mascot / Photo Negative Mickey: he is upstairs in the Mascot only room with Donald, he will start moving in the night and the more he spends the night he will become more active and aggressive. to avoid it you have to wait for him to enter to the office, use the second tablet to make a sound in any part of the building, and Abandoned Mascot will immediately go to find out what is causing that noise, when his on the office does not go to check the cameras since he would finish with you.
Donald: he is upstairs in the Mascot only room with Abandoned Mascot, he will start moving in the Night1. He will suddenly appear in his office playing with the lights, making noises and causing interference in his system of security cameras, to make him go use the second tablet and make some sound in any part of the building.
Well that’s all for now :)
Next up
Wanna see my head come off?
Official Office
Can you hear our suffer? v.2
New teaser and New title a picture has not been up for a while, so I decided to upload a Screenshot of a room, which is the lobby. and also decided to change the title of the game to be more striking. P.S. Within the game it will not be called like that
New tumbnail
Why you do this? v.2
art comission.
Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. End game cards & equipment. Demo/alpha build boss is no match for this deck.
"Our work is never over" they said.
The whole squad is here!
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