Red Eclipse
7 years ago

Newsletter and Free Email Forwarding Address!

Hello Red Eclipse fans!

Here at Red Eclipse, we’re constantly evolving and looking to provide you with more ways to enjoy the game and community. Today, we’re proud to announce the creation of our Newsletter and a Free Forwarding Email Address for every user that has registered for a Red Eclipse Account.


Have you ever had trouble getting in contact with someone after you met them in game? With our new email forwarding service, you can send an email to any registered user simply by using their auth handle and whacking an at on the end of it. Simple. For example, if their auth handle is imaplayer, all emails to [email protected] will be delivered to their registered email address. This is a great way to get in contact with that cool person you met in-game, and perhaps organise to play some more Red Eclipse together!

Remember, your privacy is important to us, so rest assured we won’t hand out your real email address to anyone. If you do choose to reply to a person, only then will they see your real email address. If you have any problems with someone who’s emailing you, please get in contact with us and we’ll try to work out something. While still in the experimental phase, we’re testing to see how well this setup will work. If all goes to plan, these services will continue to be offered, but please do not rely on them for anything important.

While we don’t offer a mail relay service, many email service providers also offer the opportunity to “send as” any address you own, allowing you to use your shiny new Red Eclipse email address to send email as well as receive it. Here’s some guides for the most popular services:

The newsletter will only be for important updates and new releases, so we promise not to email you too much. If you’d like to subscribe without applying for an account, you can:

If you have any questions, feel free to drop by our Live Chat on in the channel redeclipse, open a topic in our Discussions, or email [email protected].

Your dedicated game dev,

Quinton Reeves
Lead Developer, Red Eclipse



Next up

Red Eclipse 2 (Jupiter Edition) released

Project Update: Work in progress user interface overhaul!

Red Eclipse 2 launches on December 19th 2019 on Steam (and GameJolt). Too excited to wait? Jump on our Discord and @ Quin for a Steam key to get early access!

Release: v1.6.0 (Sunset Edition)

RELEASE: Red Eclipse v1.5.8 "Elysium Edition" (Patch 2)

Things people love about Red Eclipse. What’s your favourite element?

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GitHub organisation rename

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