Hey hey everyone! It's me! I want to apologize for the delay of this month’s devlog. But today, we’re here to talk about everything you need to know in the game, along with some explanations, and more details on the game and it’s future!
The Trailer
Today, we revealed the final trailer for Nexitron. We showed off a lot of stuff in the game, and we can’t wait for everyone to play it! (more on that later!) A lot of information was dropped during the trailer, and I plan to go into a little more detail on some information to clear some of it up! So I guess we can start that now!
If you wanna see the trailer for yourself, click here! You don’t wanna miss it!
Game Page Update
If you couldn’t tell already, the game page has been updated with new art, new descriptions, updated trophy’s, and more! As of now, or a couple weeks ago, everything about the game has been set in stone. The game play mechanics, the levels, the soundtrack, the characters, all of that has finally been decided and settled on after many many revisions. As of right now, I am really happy with the results, and I truly believe that this Geometry Dash Fan Game will have the best soundtrack out of any other GD Fan Game to date! As of releasing both the trailer and this devlog, the game page has been updated! (Or at the very least, in the process of being updated). So go give it a look!
The Soundtrack & The Lost Levels
In the trailer, we revealed some parts of the soundtrack! This selection of songs announced was chosen for a reason you probably saw in the trailer, and also just because I so desperately wanted to (I’ve been super excited about the UOST lol) The songs revealed were:
Camellia - First Town of This Journey
Shirobon - Beat That
MDK - Snowdown
MDK - Hellfire
MDK - Critical Hit
Boom Kitty - Firewall
These were all songs that I have been more than excited to unveil. In fact, some of these songs were chosen as far as late 2024! Along with it, we semi-revealed that *SOME* Of the Lost Levels will be added in! Before, they were a part of the main levels, but were cut because they were unavailable to use at the time. However, thanks to the new Song Library, we have the power to bring them back! As for how they’ll come back. They will not be the original Lost Levels iterations, but however a more “Remastered/Extended” version of the originals! Snowdown is already an example of this, but these new levels will still heavily look and feel like the Originals from the Lost Levels Collection. Just more… Well, awesome!
The Games Development
The project and its development has been very very back and forth for the past year. With our original mobile game “Flip Out Rush” releasing earlier this year, among other personal things, I’ve been hard at work getting this thing out as soon as possible. A lot of things like Battle balancing has been kicking my butt recently (Balancing is the main big thing a lot of people had an issue with in the Blast to the Past April Fools Game based on what people have told me, I get it lol) I am working day and night to make sure this game is finally out and playable for everyone! Doing such a big project all solo is draining, but I know the results will be rewarding, and very well worth it, so I push to it!
Now, I’m sure there are some questions you might have, so allow me to answer some!
Level Availability
I’m sure this is a question many have, and it’s one that many have asked me personally about! At the time, I did not have a good way or method as to how this would work, to both benefit players of GD, and players of Nexitron. And I think I found the perfect balance. So, here’s my official answer! All levels will be “Timed Exclusives” meaning, that they will only be available through the RPG Game for a limited time. After which, they will be uploaded separately a few months after the launch of the game! In the public versions, there will be no passcode for the RPG Games in them. Those will only be available for the unlisted versions. The public versions almost work as a “Freeplay Mode” in a way. The levels will be added to a list in-game for easy access! The List will be updated with the other levels when more chapters come out. Looking at the release date of Nexitron, I was thinking maybe a 2 month exclusivity? So Expect the levels to go public in September! The levels were originally going to be unlisted permanently, but many people wanted them to be public, and in order to make sure the RPG Game was still a reason to play Nexitron, we decided to go with the timed exclusive route.
If it wasn’t already obvious already, yes, there will be a Mobile Port of Nexitron! However, the Mobile Port will be a watered down version of the PC Build. The PC Build will be the definitive build, and will include everything, while the Mobile Port will contain most things that are compatible with mobile. See the chart below to see what’s included in the mobile port compared to the main PC Build.
One thing I want to bring up was the possibility of a Google Play port. And I just wanted to say, to the like, 15 people that have asked, that I CANNOT LEGALLY DO THAT LOL. I’m pushing it with what I’m doing with this game now, but putting Nexitron on Google Play is just something I can not do. So stop asking me cause I literally can’t do that, and last thing I need is to get in legal trouble for a fan game lol.
Finally, The Release Date, and the Release Method
As you’ve seen in the trailer (If you haven’t seen it yet, GO SEE IT NOW!!!) We finally have a release date for Geometry Dash Nexitron. I’ve had this date in mind for MONTHS and I think we can reach it. Like I said earlier in this devlog, if I have to cut things to add in later, I will, and I am not joking about that, I am very set on releasing this thing on this day. But I am also confident that we’ll be able to release it on this day. So, the date. I am proud to announce that Geometry Dash: Nexitron, “Chapter One,” will be released in August 2024!!! This game, all in all, is a celebration and love letter of Geometry Dash as my final big project related to this game, and I couldn’t think of a better time to release this project! So yeah. The project will finally be available to play by all. I don’t plan on announcing the specific date I have in mind, only because I am not entirely sure I will make it. So just in case I can’t reach it, I won’t have any issues lol. Also, yes! You did read that right! Chapter One! Releasing the full game would be completely impossible at this point, and by community vote, many think it would be better if Nexitron got the “Chapter Release treatment.” And that’s what we plan to do! There will not be a lot of Chapters/Updates. At Max I’m predicting maybe 4 Chapters/Updates. However, the game is surprisingly half way done, in terms of the RPG Game. The Levels, are a different can of worms, and are developed completely differently. But yeah. You will not be able to play the full game upon launch, and instead, Chapter 1! Which actually contains a lot of content!
This news is something I’ve mentioned a long time ago, but I am bringing it up again since it’s been a while, and it goes out to all of the YouTubers out there! Alongside the release, we will be releasing a Folder that contains some art for you to use in your Thumbnails! Coming from a YouTubers perspective, I know it can be hard to find some art to put in thumbnails, but with the knowledge that many big names plan to come back, we will be providing some cool art for you to use for your thumbnails, completely free! It will not come with the game, but it will be a separate download. This folder will also be updated along with the game to add more art to go alongside the latest version! We will try to avoid including spoilers into the folder, or at the very least, including them in a separate folder. We will see when we cross that bridge!
The Future
The future is bright. After Chapter 1, I will be taking a small break to focus on our Main IP, Flip Out Rush. After which, I want to finally finish up on Nexitron to get it done and out there. Chapter 1 releases a good first half of the game. Chapter 2 will contain maybe a few in the middle, and some other extra stuff, and Chapter 3 will contain the final bits, concluding the story of Nexitron once and for all. Song reveals will still happen beforehand, I’ll try and be a little more open with development, and maybe, just maybe, we can do dev streams, live streaming the development of Nexitron! Only time will tell.
I know it’s been a while since the last update on development, but I want to thank you all for not giving up on us. This project is a giant love letter to the game that brought me to where I am today, and I want to make sure it’s the best it can be.
So (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) We hope you’re ready to save the world in Geometry Dash: Nexitron! When Chapter One releases August 2024, to celebrate Geometry Dash’s 11th Anniversary!
See you then. I got some work to get back too. ;)
- NitroG & DAPixelhero.

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