4 years ago

NIGHT MARE DETECTIVE CASE : it was all fun and games :

it was late at night but the streets were still busy with light's from cars and people walking on the side walk but the agency was pretty empty nightmares worker all left for the day beside's nightmare he was doing the rest of his paper's then bang the door flew open and a lady came in crying tears rolled down her face and she said " detective help please my friend went into a closed down pizza place and has not came back out " detective being the way he is said " ok i will start the case right away " he ran out the door grabing his fedora and coat on the way out he went in a alley way then he seen it a black thing run in front of him he went to check but it was just an old alley cat finding shelter from the up comeing thunder storm bang boom thunder went off near him so he ran down the alley way untill he found the pizza place the doors were boarded up with wood and the roof was falling in but he went in the door and looked around it seemed normal untill he heard a ring ring from a near by place we went to find out it was a phone that was when his nightmare's just started then music kids laughing it was like it was still open ! then it turned to silent a few minutes after he heard a scream a loud kid like scream he found a basement door so he went down into the dark basement - to be countinued



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Fanf leaks u many kown

Fanf leaks

Hi guys! I want to mention some of my best friends! If I donā€™t mention u Iā€™m sorry! I will add more later!

I would do this for all my friends and family! Repost if u feel the same!

the souls were not free.....

(read article please)

Fan art for Foolish I'm feeling kinda better so I drew this

"Our work is never over" they said.

The whole squad is here!

Interested? Follow me!

Demonstration of the spells and their effects :)!