These Nights at Jax Justun's 11: Gimentus PrimeMantuss On Top With The Universums

3 months ago

Nightmare Critter Parody Poster #8 (For Poe "Poey Hawk") - (Created on: December 21st, 2024) We'd all didn't expect this to happen here folks!!! The final remastered version for the #FinalNCbioPoster is already been created!!!!!!!


Originally of course, Draxx Dustun Studios, NarchGraites Pictures AND Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment were going to release this next year in 2025, but due to some many and unfortunate delays and vacation days, it all had to be pushed back a bit here!!!! Which is alright I guess, because I guess that they wanted to get this out of the way I guess!!!! So yeah folks, the final and official Nightmare Critter known as "Poe", better known as "Poey Hawk" was one of the very last Nightmare Critters that actually become a fused parody mascot, combined with a hand-made parody cameo mascot and a non-hand-made parody mascot!!!! And since Chapter Four: SAFE HAVEN of Poppy Playtime's coming out soon next year on January 30th, 2025 (which was the exact and SAME release date for chapter three), all three of these oldest parody companies wanted to do something very interesting here and decided to create the remastered version of Poe's official Nightmare Critter bio poster/card!!!!!!


Anyways, let's just get THIS out of the way here!!!! There's the original one as always, release back around in between October and November of 2024, and once again, not a whole lot here!!!!! Poe's original and official self are just, the same old and same old!!!! Poe's being POE I guess!!!! Three letters in just one word wasn't enough I guess!!!! But on this day alone, December 21st, 2009, everything had changed for the better here!!! Poe was then nicknamed as "Poey Hawk"!!!! The new and improved remastered side-version of POE himself!!!!! Which technically, he was officially remade from Draxx Dustun Studios and back on December 24th, 2004!!!!

(See What I mean about all of that here from this Official Link here:



But the remastered version's a different story!!!! Unlike the past 7 remastered versions of the bio posters for the Nightmare Critters, they have their own personal themes!!!!! The first one for Baba Chops have lightning clouds, and the one for Icky Licky's all slimy and gooey!!! Rabie Baby has bubbles made out of gum because her official scent's of course bubblegum!!!! Allister Gator's one isn't a whole lot, apart having its very own alligator background around it!!!! Simon Smoke's one was a lot better!!!! Fires and pieces of flames all over the place and has awards all over the place!!!! Touille's one's all covered with dead and skeleton-ed fish, bones, and a trash dump as for its background, while the one for Maggie Mako's all themed as a beach!!!!! But where do you all think that they'd put Poe at????

Well folks, unlike the other seven Nightmare Critters, Poe's one just all decorated with some kinds of twists and turns here!!!! All four logos shown, cracks all over the place, his official name and nickname all bent a little bit, and red smoke all over the place!!!! Poe is also shown to be in the middle of his remastered Nightmare Critter poster!!!! And because of the celebration for the official video of the The Doctor | Poppy Playtime Chapter 4 Cinematic Trailer, I had decided to add in a few secrets, easter eggs, and references and everything from Poppy Playtime Chapters one through four!!!!! Let's also not forget that this one right here's a few inches longer then the other ones that I'd made in the past here!!!!!

But anyways folks, after three months of development here, all of the remastered versions of all EIGHT Nightmare Critters are all finally finished!!!! Thanks for all of your positive love and support you guys!!! These fan-made Poppy Playtime creations that I'd made for the Nightmare Critters had never been this much more popular and famous that I had could EVER imagined it to be here!!! Looking at almost all of them right now, the posts here on GameJolt of all of the fan-made Nightmare Critter stuff that I'd made in these past three months here in 2024 are amazing!!!!! They had so much love and views and everything!!!! But anyways folks, that was it for today's final Nightmare Critter post you guys!!! Thanks for sticking on by with me during this massive year here for me!!!! It helped me a lot to become as what I am now today!!! Anyways, I'll see you all next time!!!!! #5YearsOfPoppyPlaytime!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!! #AllNightmareCrittersCompleted!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #WelcomeToDaxxDustunStudios!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #NarchGraitesPicturesThanksYou #AllWithYourPositiveSupports!!!!!! #AndYourGuysLoveNessOfCourse!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!! #MerryChristmasOf2024!!!!!!



Next up

2024 DDS Parody Character #27 - Commander Drumm Skulled "Commander Crumbagg" (Created on: March 8th, 2025) I've finally returned for yet another OC parody Angry Birds creation!!!! Made officially from Draxx Dustun Studios!!!!!

2025 DDS PCCs #56 & #57 - HipDrop NipHop Nova Ender Dragon (Hipdrop Hopnova) & SoloTango Dranggrow Firestorm Ender Dragon (TangoDrangrow) - Nova & Firestorm Dragons The last two and final #DDSparodyCameoMascots......ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #22 - Zauffeey (Evil Version) (Created on: March 6th, 2025) Well guys, turns out that "Zauffeey" here does has an official second/evil version/variant of himself after all!!!

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.

Jax Justun Studios Video #54 - (Created on: March 8th, 2025 - March 9th, 2025) This might've been the most biggest #JJSvideo that the DDS HQ has ever created here!!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

BTS of all Parody Designs for Lord Eye Socket (LES) Poster - Created on: March 6th, 2025 Hey guys, the lack future updates were being created because of the #JJSchroniclesSeries and everything here!!!!!

2025 DDS Parody Character #41 - Wattaw Fountten (Created on: March 6th, 2025) Today's now March 6th, 2025, the one year anniversary when first saw the second official parody mascot of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 26: @Silverxcristal is a great Creator and illustrator who contributes to POPGOES! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2024 DDS Parody Character #29 - Penny Coinster (Created on: January 20th, 2025) As of today here on Jan. 20th, 2025, Draxx Dustun Studios had finally made us yet another one official Mall Keeper/Rich Mall Keeper!!!!