Hell you mean he's lost it, Reanimator? Believe in him!!
I'm sorry WHAT COMMANDER? ZELDA?? Please, are you trying to make Panther give up in the worst ways??? I mean that would be cool I guess but do you not understand his level of determination in this? He's not stopping. (He's just like me fr) you guys have made such a name as The Protomen why would you discourage Panther to throw it away like that?? Like I'm concerned too but you can keep him sane without making him give up!
This man is dedicated and is not stopping until he achieves his ideal setup for Act III.
Obstacles do not stop he who rides alone, you'll get it eventually Panther...
We will be happily awaiting your return Raul. And when you show them you CAN and HAVE done it, oh boy
Break one last guitar for the show /j (please don't)
I'll have to call you Breakman.
Show off the new vocal range when you get it /hj