This update adds a brand new Restaurant into the game called Chicken Lickin'. You can find the restaurant located near the downtown area. There is a corona marked outside the building.
This update also adds a brand new city into the game called Yokyohama which is based on the real-life city of Yokohama.
Added a new road type: Vertical Highway
Roads have been moved to a new file structure system: Legacy, New (Buruwasu), and Yokyohama roads.
Re-wrote the code of how game notifications work to be dynamic.
Added game title 'Ninkyo Dantai' to the main menu.

Options Menu
I have made some classification changes to the different quality sliders. Before I had three sliders, Building, Trees and Props. The new classification has expanded upon this and adds a further five new options. I have prepared a handy table that explains the differences.
Added the in-game time to the Options Menu.
Overhauled the User Interface/Experience of the Options Menu.
Revitalized the Options Menu with new images.
Added new option 'HUD Elements'
HUD elements fade out after 5 seconds - Default
HUD elements can be pinned in case prefer them to stay on screen - 'Pinned' - Show all the time
HUD elements -'Hide' - Don't show any HUD elements
Chicken Lickin'
Added Chicken Lickin' Restaurent
Added Dining Booth Variants 1, 2, 3.
Added Downtown area.
Added new road type: Horizontal
Added new road type: Vertical
Changed the Alleyway texture to a new paved slab variant.
Added 5 LODs for the Alleyway texture that is controlled by the environment quality.
Alleyway segments now react to light.
Added new building: 7-24 Store
Added 5 LODs for the 7-24 Store

Added Downtown area.
Added new road type: Horizontal
Added new road type: Vertical
Added new road type: Middle Junction
Added a new type of sidewalk.
Fixed a bug where typing a invalid command will allow you to rotate the camera.
Fixed a bug where the computer store did not react to lighting.
Fixed a bug where you could interact with the vending machine in various menus.
Fixed a possible memory leak issue with game notifications.
Fixed a bug where you have to press twice to toggle full screen.
Load Order
Improved and optimised texture streaming during the loading sequence.
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