Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 2 - Atom Maker

5 years ago

No more fixes for DTER2 patches etc.

For the moment anyway, might remake it later in another engine or a VN version, platformer who knows.

After running back through DT2 with a friend. I noticed there still are errors. I'm about done messing with this title, so if it has to be the game in the series with the issues, so be it. I'm no longer going to be making updates to it, but will look back at it, as a stepping stone to creating better titles in the future. At least it's finished and can be played, but I have other projects in the series, as well as others to get to, and I'm losing my sanity trying to fix up the many bugs, text errors, and areas I thought I had fixed or just had missed. Then there's the volumes of voices, quality just explodes in areas.

In short, if something is too hard in the game, level yourself up, use the stats area to pump up your power. lol Just Git Good.

So I guess any developer has black sheep games in their series's. I'm also working all this stuff by myself, aside the aid I get from voice actors, and artists, so there's only so much I can get right at times. I suppose when all is said and done though, the games get completed, and people have a good time with them. So to sum this up, with DTER2, and this is even going for game DTERVN. This game will remain free to play, as well as the first title. I'll be focusing on finishing up the third entry, and then I have some other original games and stories to get to.

Thanks everyone for your feedback and patience with dealing with my games, and the many bugs etc that came from things. The laughs and everything else with it. We just keep making and going, but one thing is for sure, I'm backing everything up, so I won't ever have to under go having to remake things, and encounter issues like this. To many more projects.

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Next up

DTER2 - Coming soon this month - Floating Ruin Area look

Here's a look at the updated comic page and UI coming to things. I might have to make a new project page featuring all the changes and updates, but guess I'll see as I go. Thanks for all your support!

Art by TheZodiacKirby


Might be moving Yandere Limit 1 to smile game builder, the same engine Yadere Limit SO is being made in. I'll keep you all posted, but so far it's all running REALLY smoothly. #yandere #yanderelimit #horror #smilegamebuilder

Yandere Limit Extended edition is live!

Aiko Misa voice added!

An updated shot of the battle scene found in the Alpha. Things will be looking better the next update!

Hey guys, on the eve of a new release, I came across an old manga episode I had made of DT2 which followed the start up to a boss. Thought I'd toss this out to help with the wait. Always epic looking back.

Here's a teaser image displaying a mysterious character, who it is though will be revealed in the new update later! Guess this version really will have a lot more coming to the table.

A tune from YL2, named Ink Storm. If there's any other take away from this series is it's music lol. Can't wait for you all to hear where it plays!

This song merges some music from DT3 with Yandere Limit. Might make an interesting crossover of my stuff later lol. If you guys haven't tried Yandere Limit or Dream Tear series, give them a go sometime!