Basically Mortal Kombat and Mugen
But with Nick Anomalies like Kirk Odd, VAL, Utnars and others that are not anomalies and have do with that.
It would have an artsyle similar to that one Pokemon game, Close Combat mixed with the FNF like style. Basically a cartoon graffiti style.
Plus it could have skins like in Smash like you could play as my Souldealer Kirk like as a reference skin.
Also sometimes you could have buddies fighting like in Smash, like if you fighting in the white void, Jr could just come and attack lol
Could add like hazards like if you're in the white void where Nick Jr Anomaly takes place, can go dark (like in the video) which would prevent you for seeing for some time.
I would dead be on board with PVP lol.
But yeah I'm dead serious that it was an idea I had back then.
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