4 years ago

norbit yhe dad of doggy



Next up

the hand walker

red fan art

The smiler cat =so smiler to me! im happy=

th emeat human one man have be walking in the street and one acident hapened one car have be atropeled her and you face no ares normaly you arms need to be swaped to robots parts more the man becomes crazy and kill everyne on hospital have meat skin metal

CANIBAL SIREN the human and siren heads destroyers the monster like walk in abandoned house forest and in streets your siren can destroy one house and eat every monsters humans and more and your name is CANIBAL SIREN

corruped boris... sammy give a drink to boris and boris falled and sammy has ben killed boris more boris revived and sammy tryed to atack more boris created a tentacles more boris have been killed bendy...

for the black

Deadtale pc edition em breve

the child screamer lost you parents and are be alone ern you try to be friend of the child yhe child dont belive in you and kill and is tryng to find your parents and you scream is very loud and you teeth can bite every thing

detemination man