not retiring from making fnafb and if anything this has fueled my desire to make even more fnafb fuck scott cawthon fuck republicans fuck everything fnafb is in my world now and i'm forcing you all to be along for the ride >:D
Next up
just a taste of my insanity
nothing less than a demon
the player character count for the game has gone from every ffps character to simply the rockstars, with scraps being unlockable. this will give you more time to get adjusted to the tightly-designed rockstars before trying the more jank scrap animatronics
Baby Steps
Merry Christmas from Space Carpet! We are, in fact, working on the game! Don't be scared. May you be blessed by Santa Toy Freddy and Jewish Elf Toy Chica with many presents and whimsy this year!
freezy fucking guy!
thanks for following! here's foxy's dick and balls
The game's out. Have fun and enjoy yourself.