(NotSnowWhite / Peeler)
Lips as Red as the Rose
Hair as Black as Ebony
Skin as Thin as Wind
A Poisoned Apple does not give Death.
It makes you Regret your Every Breath.
Next up
Bonetale Fanart... well, Partially, anyway
Sans Skin, but there's a sprite for everything (except disbelief)
There's only 3 colours of Shading btw
Second Iamge is Close-Up of Sans
Third Image is Bonus Unshaded Shrug Sprites YEET (or BUSSY for short)
5 more emojis
Me but I can feel Emotion
Specifically with Omori Emotions, except there are 5 scales of ~omotion~ and not just 3
Ideas of "Euphoric" and "Livid" not by me, can't remember where they're from tho
Sprites by me
Dester Killing Spree Real? (DKSR?)
Disbelief: Thought Experiment
Just Need to Make the Themes now
[0-The Darker] [1-Doubling Down] [2-Not Useless] [3-Experiment]
In Phase 3, he uses the DT extractor on the Souls, rather than absorbing them, and GEETER brings back Sandpaper Under-The-Table
Shitpost Premium+
The Seven Deadly Sans
Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Envy, Sloth, Pride (I already had this one lol) and Lust (Censored, don't worry)