Soul is the Queen of Souls. An emotionless but very educated spirit. She is one of the old Guardians from the beginning of everything.
You can think of Soul as the "light death" and the actual Guardian of Death as the "dark death". Soul takes what Death leaves behind (wandering souls of the dead), leading them towards home (an entirely different world). There, she does her best to keep them happy.
Regarding powers, her most common ones are the ones associated to ghosts, like haunting objects, people, places, etc. But since she is a Guardian (and a powerful one), all her powers should be amplified to at least city level.
Soul is one of the hardest Guardians to weaken or kill. Not only is she incorporeal but she also has no opposite concept to fight/weaken her with (Like when Good fights Evil, Love "fights" Hate or Law fights Chaos).
Among the other Guardians, she is a friendly face and one of the most reliable when sharing information because of her knowledge and age.
She was originally meant to have a "soulmate" Guardian called Spirit, but the concept of what both of them are happened to be so, so similar I really couldn't tell the difference (what's the difference of soul and spirit? does it really matter?).
In the end, I felt like Spirit wasn't worth it, so I discarded him (hey, I tried!). This removal had no impact in Soul's character in any way.

November 2nd 2023
Life with a soul in her hands. Soul explains it's origin, the death of a human causes this ethereal fireball to leave their body.