2 years ago

Now about the second Test Jumpscares...

I have seen that the above-average numberblocks option won, so here is what i plan on the second Test Jumpscares

  • First of all, all numberblocks Will be remodeled to look actually scary. I thought about making one, two and four look like string puppets (DHMIS for reference) while the rest Will be human Costumes (Yo Gabba Gabba for reference)

  • The jumpscares Will almost sound like the original jumpscares but better

  • The animation Will resemble the newer jumpscare animation but more fluid

Keep in mind that just because i do this numberblocks project does not mean i'm a numberblocks kid nor do i plan on making a numberblocks fangame, i just did it for fun and out of spite of those stupid jumpscares from unoriginal numberblocks "OCs"

Stay tuned.



Next up

lovin the new fnati game, better than AE

also i find it interesting that not only the presentation is of a lost fnati game, but that the game itself is also part of the possible lore unless if im missing something

my new character

Door. (STUFF IS STILL A W.I.P!!! Also, please follow my game. I am trying to get at least 500-1,000 followers.)

#WIPwednesday idk dude just have this sourgar redesign head that im gonna use for fnas 2's lithered sourgar and MAYBE for fnas 1 remastered

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

absolute CINEMA

The Pac is back with a little change in his design

The true and honest Five Nights at Sonic's 2 (ALPHA)