6 months ago

Now Hiring for users who is an artist just in case if one or more person retires or been not using the channel for almost a while

Might not be easy but make it as try

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Next up

Here’s what’s going on

Happy super mar10 day!



My favorite power up is the Mario with bunny ears

Here’s my new intro and outro video including the mickeys hotdogs restaurant intro too

Here’s the link to my YouTube video too https://youtu.be/pEGC1Ek6Cbg?feature=shared

Special Gift for @PlushAleenathefox

Ok so I haven’t done any of gacha post for a while

Here’s clone Mickey in his gacha

800 followers before my birthday omg

Only 200 followers to go until I reach to 1k followers

Thanks guys

Me and @Nightmaresonicfan2007 is Confused Because he and I are similar

Glamrock Freddy but blockbear edition