Now this could be wierd but i kinda want NORMALCY ChiknNuggit as a skin it would fit good as a horror skin
(and ik its a Friday Night Funkin Aethos Thing but i think it would be interesting having as a Chikn skin) what do you think of it @EpicTagey_Games
Next up
here is a concept for glitched legends
vs noob
story:after running away from the pegasus night´s atacks they found a computer and there was only one game called.. roblox they got sucked in the game and now they must face of the darkness with there victims
fwench fwy what are you doing with those jellybeans
read the article below for an update i'm sure i'll be fine ↓↓↓
No, it's not cancelled, don't listen to Iscream...
Here, let me update you on Night at Nuggit's progress! Go on, read the article! ↓↓↓
I decided to repost the sprites cuz I kinda want to make a request:can someone recreate my sprite drawings in @EpicTagey_Games style? I wonder how cool it would like…so someone can accept this request? (I can’t do it myself cuz idk what program tagey use)