Nedas's Scratch's Smooth Saturday Engine
6 months ago

NSSSE v1.1.0 Leaks part 1: New Week 2 Background, new menu sounds, circle notes, and Pico Results Theme, Etc. (Swear Warning on Results Screen!) + More Trophies Soon



Next up

Upcoming Improvement Characters + New Animations!

Upcoming Version: 1.1.0

Official Dad Battle Erect Modchart on NSSSE! (Sorry if i'm having Performance issues During Gameplay, and sorry for Uncentered Recording Area)

what if u wanted to save your project

Bring Back Unused Fakeout from FNF on NSSSE! If someone occurrs Fakeout Death Screen, will be awarded a Secret Platinum Trophy! there is a 1 in 100 Chance for this Fakeout Death screen will Occurr! this feature didn't exist in a demo.

that one scratcher telling me why he reported my project (it has nothing wrong on it)

NSSSE Release Date Reveal!

Augest 26th, 2024

Scratch Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1045282950/

Thank you very much for taking the time to test out the NSSSE Demo! I want to let you know that I'm working on improving the design of the interface to give it a more modern look and feel. I appreciate your support!

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