Recently, progress of UHN`s development has quite moved forward.

Selection screen completion
All the sprites, renders, and coding for the selection screen/main menu have finally been assembled together.
However, for now I can`t show it fully, as not every character has been teased yet, but instead show it`s small piece, containing only revealed chars...
Oh wait, Wither-Toy Bonnie reveal!

Pixel art completion
All the 8-bit sprites for the special part of UHN have been finally finished, thanks to impressive work of @This_Exclusive_1 and @PUN-adian ...

Progress of location modeling
Our main purpose right now is to finish every location present in UHN, and recently, the office (front and back ) has been modeled, allowing us to start working on many gamerplay mechanics.

I want to remind that our current location modeler faces a lot of problems, which reduces time that he wants to set aside for modeling to the point that only one room is made in a month...
So, we are still searching for a possible second modeler, which could help us to stabilize the progress of locaion modeling... So everyone, who is capable and desires for help, can send feedback under this post, or to me directly! Will surely be outstanding to have another nice fellow in our team!
And that is all for now. Thanks for reading, and I hope to return with more updates soon!