Hiya everyone! Just wanted to make a very quick post to say that there is an official Wiki in the making! You can view what is up so far here http://fnati-and-nbd.wikia.com/wiki/FNaTI_and_NBD_Wiki (Yes, it involves FNaTI too. More on that later)
Next up
Can't stop won't stop
Currently working on 3D texturing software, made in S&Box of course! This is being made to replace substance painter in my workflow, with a release hopefully not far away.
Scrapyard Brawl Dev Video 2 - Bosses!
Powder Box is out now on S&Box! https://sbox.game/stellawisps/powderbox
1 year
The game I've been working on has been announced: HOBNOBBERS! I would really appreciate it if you checked it out and wishlisted it on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3181960/Hobnobbers/
Wishlist Hobnobbers on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/3181960/Hobnobbers/
chicken mech moment
falling S&nd game made in S&box