animatronic theatre
7 months ago

oh before anyone ask for it, this game WONT have a mobile port, and all of my future fnaf/undertale games



Next up

you remember about the design we show some months ago? ok forget about them, they got a slight redesign (thanks @Fnaf-Plus-AU for the drawings)

qna time! (draw made by @Fnaf-Plus-AU ) i wanted to make a qna to make see that the game isn't dead, you can make any question you want from the charaters to the game itself, if it's not spoiler i'll answer

Cercasi aiuto

stiamo cercando delle persone per il fangame ci servono:clickteam coders,doppiatori (anche alle prime armi), animator, tester e compositori se volete aiutare nel progetto mandatemi un dm su dicord (ennardo)


you remember this post? ok forget about it, we created 6 new souls that weren't in that table, these are shame, empathy, cunning, hope, rebellion and sacrifice, and the humans will have official design because we want to do a more in dept story for them

Ok, the situation was getting sus (don't mind doge, he's a bro)

in need of spriters @UNLOCKEDGames is making a one fight fangame of seasontale with the mettaton of the game and he need a spriter for the tilesets, if you want to contact him you can send him a friend request

a small devlog from the change of engine, finally we've a player movement (thanks to @SusieCat for his help)

quello di staserà è: penguin prestige, il capo di tutti gli animatronic del teatro con uno stile di spettacolo simile a quelli anni 30

(read first comment for the english translation)

Omniphobia night help wanted

l'animatronic del giorno è:batmaniac, il più timido degli animatronic, il suo stile di spettacolo è quello musicale p.s avevo pubblicato nel posto sbagliato (english tranlation in th pinned comment)