6 days ago

Oh boy, I didn't even remember when I put it on my old game... /\/\/\



Next up

Guys! the game now have Gamejolt API integration, I'm woking on it to make it more polished and less buggy but I'm proud that this thing is actually working

Some updates I made now. First the game now check for a new version (liek the friday night funkin) and if has update, this screen will show up. Also the RPC is working properly, maybe later I will try implementing the Gamejolt API thing.

The titlestate and the transition to the main menu is now finished

Here's a level I finished today, well the layout/basic general idea. The deco isn't final (if it was I'd scream LOL) it's there to provide context for the theming.

I am gonna be looking for deco artists for this level (paid.), if ur interested hmu!

I made those icons for the menu

Level editor, Normal mode and Player customization

robtop banned the versus mode bots i can finally play on casual

okay this was my first attemp to make collisions. And got "very well"

Actually nothing to say about this one. Is freaking amazing. #GJAsks

Go check my New Level!

I made this better version of the credits screen to calm down and do other things since I got working on that player for 5 days XD