SlendyTubbies III: RPG Remake
5 years ago

Oh wow, Chapter 1 is already a year old!

Man time goes WAY too fast. Now sadly, I won't be making an "Anniversary Edition" for both CH1 and CH2 simply because... I literally have nothing else to show! Everything is in the Complete Edition and in the CH0 AE.

It's been a fun ride, not going to lie! And a year later, I still remember me working on this project with so much fun (and a bit of stress sometimes, not gonna lie xd).

But here we are. Almost 5 months since the CE's release. I... actually kind-of miss working on this game. This was the first time in my life that I really enjoyed making something that big. 11 Months of development. Now, aside from TOGETHER, I don't think I'll work on a project this big again.

But maybe, just maybe one day, I'll come back to making a new SlendyTubbies Fan Game in RPG Maker for you =) I don't want to do it for now but maybe when I think I'm ready, it'll happen.

Thank you for all of this =)



Next up

The Game is Ready

Finally made an Official Tailia Tumblr Blog! -->

2 Custards Remaining...

3 Custards Remaining...

SlendyTubbies III: RPG Remake (2019) New 2022 Poster.

A video of me looking back at the game and basically providing my thoughts, commentary and all is in the works (hence the new logo and artwork for the occasion).

4 Custards Remaining...

A Couple of Updates (Circus Productions, July 2022)

"Tailia Book 4: Smile, Crazy Girl" AVAILABLE NOW!