Ok so if you don't know why i'm venting here then i'll tell you. for a long while i have been harassed repeatedly by a user named Isaact1171. He was originally a user on scratch who did some disgusting stuff with caragh's models which is a bad sign and has a belly button fetish for some flipping reason and it's really gross. but anyway he was on scratch for a while before getting banned for doing some terrible stuff on scratch. Then a long while i got deviant art a couple of months ago, Isaact was also on there....and oh my fucking god....What he did was awful when i interacted with him. it started off ok but then he started harassing me and started stealing people's stuff and claiming them as his own, Was requesting other DA Users to draw me when i never asked him to request that, Tried to impersonate me to get me banned and done a couple of more stuff that i do NOT want to get into. luckily he got banned from DA and thought he was gone forever but then when i made a fandom account so i could post a creepypasta i made, He also joined Fandom under the name Cutekid98 and started harassing me again and has done stuff like shipping users with Pedo's, making wiki pages on wikis that have nothing to do with what the wiki is about, Stealing my OC and trying to be me, editing comments into some pretty fucked up stuff, made pictures of him destroying a pac-man arcade machine i have and i was pretty much done with his shit. Me and some of my friends on scratch went on many streamyards and discord chats telling him to stop, however he didn't and said he was sorry when all the stuff he's done is unforgivable and he got his parents involved and his parents said that he was autistic and saying he doesn't know right from wrong. Bruh, i have autism and i know what's right from wrong and we all know that using the victim card and saying "He's doing this stuff because he's Autistic" Doesn't cut it. It doesn't work and saying that just make other people like me who have autism look bad. Anyways he's done a bunch of other bad stuff like harassing other users on fandom like a user called Dragonaero and AOfan20 and he's even done more stuff i don't want to talk about as well. He's now on gamejolt under the name "Pinkplease" and if you ever encounter him, stay away from him. He's down right an awful person and heck he supports people like Rainbowkitty 101 who is also a messed up person. It's like whenever i join one website, He joins as well and harasses me and others. so anyway, isaact1171 aka Cutekid98 aka Pinkplease is an bad person and user and should be avoided and blocked at all costs. Now he's still on fandom he's still being annoying but he's mostly left me alone and he's banned on scratch and DA. And i'm doing ok now after saying this. and i'm doing ok and DA and Scratch and Gamejolt. but please for the love of freaking god, stay away from Isaact because he will steal your stuff, Try to impersonate you to make you look bad and just block him and report him. Anyways, that's my vent. see you all later.
2 years ago
Ok. I'm gonna have to get this off my chest a bit
Next up
Kirby Huggies ^w^
Pokémon - Voltorb
Floaty :3
Sup Mates :3
Sup Everyone :3
Once again it's time for me to go to college again
I hope you're all doing alright and doing well and hope you have a good day/night ^^
Me Over Bf!
Plants Vs Zombies - Garlic