2 months ago

Ok, I've officially had enough, let me talk about my sister. Milena Giovana Carneiro

Why I hate her you ask? Well here are the main reasons

Reason n1º: Bipolarism: She is very, VERY, bipolar, sometimes after a huge fight, all of a sudden, she becomes the kindest person in the world, even knowing she isn't

Reason n2º: Battery and Assult: She likes to see me suffer, she said that, In my face, with no remorse, whatsoever, she slaps, punches, assults me, chockes me, and a lot more, I can't prove it (yet), but trust me. Oh, and she also does that, TOO HER OWN MOTHER. This is NOT a joke, she actually slaps, punches, assults, HER OWN MOTEHR, who is also my mother!!

Reason n3º: Her own rules and logic: So, too her, me, my mom and my dad can't have a phone, and yet, she uses her phone, my mom's phone, and my dad's phone! What sense does that make?! She also sometimes want's something to be her way, while at the same time, she does the opposite on what the others, must, do, like WTF sis?! (example: She doesn't want me to use my dad's computer, and yet, she uses a computer of her own, and sometimes my dad's computer as wel!!)

Reason n4º: Hate towards my and her dad: She hates my dad, like, A LOT, no joke, why? Well, it was because of a dumb mistake my dad did in the past, but I'd rather not tell why, or else all of you, MIGHT, start hating my dad

Well, those are the reason why I hate my sister, I hope you all can understand, and comprend the current situation me and my family is, anyways, this isn't a expose of her, because there is still one thing I have to do to it be a full 100% expose, but anyways, that's all, and MikeBash, out!



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Reposted because f*ck Meowbahh



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gojo watched the drake vid


Posted exactly on new year

Lefty Mike

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FNaP 1 is now here!! And yes FNaP 1 is pretty much Jolly 1, also before you ask, why did I made this? I was bored, that's all :)

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Art Request for @MikaelorBash


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(Yes, I'll post as well for 1 minute remaining)