OK LONG VIDEO TODAY but now the dialog for phase 1 intro is done thanks to @IHateTomatoes4 they are a big help in the making of this game
Next up
I forgot to make a phase 2b intro so here it is and I got a new coder https://scratch.mit.edu/users/kittenkat11_/ he only uses scratch
final attack animation done progress has been slow bc of school and football
worship the ONE THE HOLY THE ONLY bob (original drawing)
Congratulations on [the loss of your beloved one]
noelle joined
ITS TIME PEOPLE UNDERTALE BROKEN PARTNERS PHASE 1 IS 56% DONE and here is the long awaited update
still did nothing
ice to meet you
TOOK AWHILE but finally I got an update on the game 2 actually both of the phase 3 intros are done this one and another one sprite was made by @DanielXDDD
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