[Dusttale: Disbelief] Murderer Path (Dustbelief take)
1 year ago

Ok Murderer path cancelled



































































Next up

Yeah Since Green Sans X Burger Path is not a thing anymore you can have the Green Sans sprite 1x1 ig

New track by MegaloDapper! (not actually new(updated)cos it was made for cancelled project but got second chance in that one)…

#undertale #underswap #swapdust #dustswap #disbelief #dustbelief #dusttale #papyrus #riverperson #act0

They look great in game, they can talk (sadly no new bg so far) Also that text is a placeholder, not even in right font

Burger path actually making a lot of sprite progress

Progress slowed a lil bit again, but thats not a problem, soon We are going to show something big, but for now here's a wip of one thing from menu

#sans #phantomsans #undertale #dusttale #dustbelief #art #fanart #sketch

i decided to make my own fonts for them i call these Shantell Sans Pixel and RePapyrus! (still using the placeholder dialogues)

Happy new year everyone! unfortunately we dont have much to show that time but still we can show you that little sneak peek on something we cooking

What if we make a new banner out of that...?

#undertale #papyrus #art #fanart #sketch #sans #dusttale #dustbelief #disbelief