3 years ago

Ok, my opinion on the recent passing of Ava.

Ok. First of all, Cancer is a literal son of a bitch, and Ava is still with us, looking down, smiling that we are still remembering her, and not grieving anymore when we first heard the impact. Ava, I got to talk to her a day before this post, and she was kind and gentle, and not repulsive or hateful. If Identypical is reading this, I know how hard it must've been to hear what happened(and you're probably still grieving), and I just want to tell you, she's still there, you just cant see or hear it, but shes making sure you are safe and protected. If this help you dude-bro, your'e always welcome. With the most love and care,




Next up

you guys are my heroes <3

mecheail jummsare!!!!1!!11 (3AM POLICE CALLED!!!!!! GONE WRONG!!!!1!!!!!1)

yep, this is gonna be me.

To Remember Ava's legacy I builded a statue of Ava

time to be killed

reposting time

Listen to the #thankyouscott music video. your tears will be a waterfall. (btw I made the art)