1 year ago

ok so as not to miss it, here is a comic by concept_md and placeholder, I think that MD (acronym for megadrive) was hiding from placeholder because of its new design but it seems that placeholder liked it!

placeholder created by @Ye4sT

happy valentine's day!

1 comment


Next up

arabic demon and parasitic yokai = friends!

Kiseichu (the japanese) by me and @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY

Almutahar (the arabic) by Hogman303 on twitter

doodle cuz i bored

Sonic123 created and owned by : Phantasm, Smokievgm and cheesybreader


Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Sl4sh and EYX/draenog

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16


Kiseichu created and owned by me and co owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY

before questions, YEA, that worm is Kiseichu's true form and YEA, this is the new design of Kiseichu and it's inspired by angry birds parasite by vibingleaf

alright guys, we need a official VA for Kiseichu that know both english and japanese, If you're interested, contact me on discord: Willie_theRabbit or here on gamejolt!

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite

ok, so, I've decided that I'm going to leave the FNF community and leave all my projects canceled, I'm leaving all fnf mods and everything related to fnf itself, I no longer feel comfortable in the community, so, goodbye fnf!, i hate you a lot!