3 years ago

Ok so, The Characters for Chaotic Custom Night (My Second Biggest Ultimate custom night) are:


001 - Super Yoshi (Me)

002 - Real Nicolas (Me)

003 - Underfans00009 (Me)

004 - Shadow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

005 - Kat (@ShadowPlushBoi)

006 - Ki (@ShadowPlushBoi)

007 - Cyle (@Colyderp)

008 - Tristan (@TristardHerself)

009 - Toriq (@loler1232 )

010 - Alex (@alivingbeing)

011 - Lia (@Colyderp's Sister)

012 - Geko (@GekoTheHybridDemgalWolf)

013 - Robert (@RobertTheGreenBoy)

014 - D-B (@DToTheB )

015 - B-D (@DToTheB )

016 - James (@jamjamthebearboi)

017 - TheBonnieMan (@thebonnieman04 )

018 - Kris (@Tario )

019 - Nooby (@Tario )

020 - Leon (@SomeRedGuy )

021 - Lightning (@Highcell )

022 - TheGamerVice (@Thegamervice777 )

023 - Shinji (@TristardHerself)

024 - Shadow Jr (@ShadowPlushBoi)

025 - Blazzer (@TristardHerself)

026 - Original Cyle (@Colyderp)

027 - Catow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

028 - Goldow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

029 - Antow (@Antowknights_fox)

030 - Glitchnic (@Glitchnic )

031 - Freddster Master (@Freddstermaster )

032 - Fabri (@FabriJuega777 )

033 - Classic Shadow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

034 - Classic Super Yoshi (Me)

035 - Classic Alex (@alivingbeing)

036 - Classic Lia (@Colyderp's Sister)

037 - Clone Red (@jamjamthebearboi)

038 - Clone Blue (@jamjamthebearboi)

039 - Clone Yellow (@jamjamthebearboi)

040 - Clone Green (@jamjamthebearboi)

041 - LJ & JL (@LJTheEpic)

042 - Classic LJ (@LJTheEpic)

043 - Tori (@loler1232 )

044 - Maji (@Colyderp)

045 - Rubin (@Colyderp)

046 - Petey (@Colyderp)

047 - Girl & Moth (@Colyderp)

048 - Snipe (@TristardHerself)

049 - Nightmare Shadow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

050 - Shadow-Omb (@ShadowPlushBoi)

051 - Hmmmmmmriq (@loler1232 )

052 - Scrapow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

053 - Poison (@Highcell )

054 - Highcell (@Highcell )

055 - Clone Robert (@RobertTheGreenBoy)

056 - Ryai (@GekoTheHybridDemgalWolf)

057 - Werewolf Geko (@GekoTheHybridDemgalWolf)

058 - Gekendy (@GekoTheHybridDemgalWolf)

059 - Clone Rainbow (@jamjamthebearboi)

060 - Classic Tristan (@TristardHerself)

061 - Zynric (@Henry_The_Depressed_Guy)

062 - Henry (@Henry_The_Depressed_Guy)

063 - Matthew (@Henry_The_Depressed_Guy)

064 - OlivianBall (@OlivianBall)

065 - Sunky (@SunkyTehMemeLord)

066 - Nicolas (Me)

067 - Cristian (Me)

068 - Antonia (Me)

069 - Rodrigo (Me)

070 - Golden Nicolas (Me)

071 - Randal (Me)

072 - Standal (Me)

073 - Fandal (Me)

074 - Stanfalral (Me)

075 - Renan (@witheredtoysonicthehedgehog)

076 - Sonic Bot (@witheredtoysonicthehedgehog)

077 - DJ Nicolas (Me)

078 - Lime (@loler1232 )

079 - Water Myth (@loler1232 )

080 - Classic Robert (@RobertTheGreenBoy)

081 - Phantom Robert (@RobertTheGreenBoy)

082 - Paper Geko (@GekoTheHybridDemgalWolf)

083 - Phantom TBM (@thebonnieman04 )

084 - Liza (@LizaTheHuman)

085 - '19 Black (@jamjamthebearboi)

086 - Colton (@Colton7595)

087 - Ben (@benjaventuras123 )

088 - Tom (@TomGamingTails )

089 - Taco Games (@TheRealTacogames)

090 - Shadow Mario (@ShadowMario123)

091 - Merry Christmas Nicolas (Me)

092 - Halloween Nicolas (Me)

093 - Happy Birthday Nicolas (Me)

094 - Happy New Year Nicolas (Me)

095 - Saensodel (@Saensodel )

096 - Prototype Real Nicolas (Me)

097 - Mktsfnaf (@somethingnormal10)

098 - Nintega (@NintegaFan100Official)

099 - Kyleot (@kyleot333-gamejolt)

100 - Fren (@wisemalejandro)


101 - Silver (@Silver_Ore_Games)

102 - Mini Shadow (@ShadowPlushBoi)

103 - Mktsfnaf 2.0 (@somethingnormal10)

104 - Mr. Crime (@NotSoSilly)

105 - Creepy Nicolas (Me)

106 - Scrambled TBM (@thebonnieman04 )

107 - Yoshi (Nintedo)

108 - ToySonicYT (@BuilderyDev)

109 - BlueBalls (@OlivianBall)

110 - Golden (@jamjamthebearboi)



Next up

Just drew this recently, proud of it as always

Suicide mouse made in plasticine.

Look at this, this is my Best Work on Art, i'm really Proud of this.

Custom Night Menu Teaser

Reminder that this is still a W.I.P so many things are subject to change

I Made This Drawing of my OC.

Hi, This is now my Official "Nicoderfans" OC

Oh yeah, 2 week ago, when i went to watch sonic 3 on feb 5th, i bought this little shit at the cinema. No regrets

Those are My Main Oc's for Halloween. The one with the cat ears is called Hally and the ghost is called Piry. #JOLTober

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