So, how would you feel if I canceled Memory.
Like, be honest with me, is it really THAT important to you.
Look, I know I've been hyping up the game a lot, but, and I'm not doing any false modesty crap when I say, it's really not that great of a fangame.
The writing is weird, and messy in places, some of the art is improperly sized, there's probably a million typos, or... some... at least, the dialogue is weird in places, characters act out of character, I make some bad jokes, some good ones, but if I'm being honest, it's just a crummy retelling of Undertale, with some of the worst gameplay of any Undertale fangame, and honestly, I almost half wonder if it's worth putting effort into at this point.
I have a lot of other ideas, a lot of better ideas, and this whole thing just started off as a self project I made, so I could spend some more time with these characters. Not kidding, the original name for this game was "stuck in a random oval shaped room with sans" and that is still the first room of the game, even if it's been redecorated, the foundation is still pretty weird.
This was never intended to be a run through the entire underground until a good part through the ruins, and even then there's more cut characters in content then there are drops of water in the ocean.
I don't mean to say there's nothing good in the game, there is, and for a while there, it held a really speacial place in my heart, but you have to understand that I'm the type of person who goes through phases. Sometimes I'm really into this thing, sometimes I'm really into that one, and I've been "obsessed" with Undertale for the past several months since I first played it a week or two before lockdown (yeah, I was kinda late to the party XD) but honestly, I'm ready to move on. Anxious, almost, and that doesn't mean I don't like Undertale anymore, not in the slightest, I just need to do something, ANYTHING else, and just kinda move on, still do some stuff related to it, now and then, still enjoy it, still come back to it, and enjoy the community every so often, but over all, treat it more like I currently treat Mario, Zelda, Portal, Half-Life, Minecraft, Fortnite, and countless others. Yeah, I bet you didn't even know I liked half of those, and I was obsessed with everyone of those at one point or another.
I don't really intend to cancel Memory completely, it's essentially done, and has been for a while, I just need to touch it up and make sure everything's working correctly, but I'm starting to think making a game with several different endings and multiple conditional paths wasn't the best choice for a first game, combined with the deadline I...
I'm just... I'm done, I really am. I just want to be done.
I don't like saying it, and I don't really mean it, but I HATE THIS GAME! I HATE IT!
I mean, I don't, but I kinda do, I'm just so sick and tired and frustrated and stressed that I honestly just...
I just soooo wanna be done.
I'm not quiting, but I'm thinking about putting it off.
I just need some support, need to know if you guys really care that much, and need to let you all know not to expect anything amazing.
I earnestly believe, that if you go in with low expectations, you'll enjoy the experience, but I encourage you, no, I BEG you, to go in with low VERY LOW expectations.
It's not an amazing game.
I don't even think it deserves the right to be called "good".
It has good parts, and I'm really proud that I finally finished something for once (and by finished I mean it still has polish and play-testing, but 99% of it is done).
But, that %1 is 100 times longer and harder then you would believe, and I think I've finally come to understand that, even if I'd heard it a million times.
So, thankyou for all the followers.
Thankyou for all the kinds words.
Thankyou for... for just being there, and thankyou for reading till the end.
What will I do after Memory?
Well, I haven't given up game developement.
I'm going to keep on going! :D
But... It's probably going to be original stuff, and not Undertale.
Same with most of my artwork. (though I might do some marios, or some animal crossings, since I'm getting those soon.)
But, my personality hasn't changed, and I still always try to put my heart into what I do. I love making people laugh, and maybe, every now and then, I wanna get people to tear up a little, much like many of my favorite games, Undertale, Mario and Luigi : Bowsers Inside Story, a few of the Paper Marios, and others have gotten me to do.
That's the kind astuff I wanna make.
So, if you liked Memory (for whatever reason, as long as it's not just "ooo undertale like") then I think you'll enjoy other stuff I make in the future.
Anyways, I know I already said all the thankyous, but I'll say it again anyways.
Thankyou, and as Tiny Tim said, God bless you everyone :)